Sedation Dentistry
Laughing Gas/Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous Oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a safe and effective tool to help patients feel more relaxed. If we can help make dental procedures easier, why not?
General Anesthesia
We partner with St. Joseph Surgery Center in Plymouth, Indiana to provide safe and effective anesthesia While we have many ways to help children get through needed dental treatment in-office, is not the right fit for all kids. Dental treatment under general anesthesia can be the best choice if there are extensive needs and/or a child is very young. Should your child’s dental treatment be planned to be completed under general anesthesia with our office, here are a few key points to keep in mind.
- Coordination between the child’s legal guardian, Good to Grow Dental Center, and the St Joseph Surgery Center Plymouth is required to complete dental treatment under sedation. Responding quickly and providing all needed information will help speed the process.
- Billing for anesthesia is not through our office. Questions can be addressed to St Joseph Health System directly at (866) 611-1514.
- Your child will need to complete a physical with their physician 21-29 days prior to their scheduled surgery date. Plan ahead! Many physicians are booked out for 1-3 months for physicals.
- An adult with Custodial rights for the child must be at the Surgery Center for the entirety of the child’s appointment. Expect a long and chill day. Try to avoid bringing other siblings to the treatment appointment.
- No food or drink after midnight on the night before surgery is vital for safety. Surgery will be canceled and unable to be reappointed should this important safety rule not be followed.